We are a 501 (c) (3) Memorial Foundation in honor of the man it is named for. "Jimmy", as may knew him by, was a complex "Bad Ass" with a HUGE heart. Only those who were close to him got to see the real Jimmy. Everyone grew to love him, though few understood him. He coined the phrase "Give a Hand Up " which he describes as how to help people.  James Willard Burnett was the love of my life. So in honor of the man who meant so much to me I founded this Memorial Foundation and try to help and serve  people. The foundation is dedicated to filling the gap an helping the community in which we live. No long application, not much advertising other than word of mouth, and no limitations on what services to offer.   We can offer a place to stay for victims of domestic violence or those who have no one else that they can stay with in an emergency situation. We can provide a safe haven and give a hand up to get a person back on track in their life. The Foundation can be the support needed  for  a single mom to fill out the Financial Aid Application to start college, and provide consulting, advice, and moral support every step of the way. We are here to help a person get back on track in life so they can contribute to the community and have a sense of purpose. I don't like to be thought of as a minister but in a way we all can minister to those who will hear. We always have a Christmas project, Because Jimmy loved Christmas.  We are  flexibility in how to help because people have different needs. I choose to be a blessing to as many people as I am able to. Our Mission is simply to "Give a hand up" and "Fill the gap" for those that cross our path in need and make a real difference in their life.

Jimmy told me a story. It started out like this: "You’re not going to believe this but I can't make this stuff up." He went on to tell of a time he died and went to hell and Jesus came and walked him out.  As they parted ways he asked Jesus what do I need to do? and Jesus looked at him and replied, "Just handle it."  Jimmy awoke and never forgot his experience. He didn't tell just anyone this story just those who he felt compelled to. I am glad I had the chance to hear it more than once. He had a lot of stories that  started out with "You may not believe this" and they all were unbelievable but true. He should have written a book. Jimmy died April 19, 2019 at 4:19 P.M. and you’re not going to believe this, but he immediately came to see me and told me, "please handle it" I know he meant to go on and be okay without him and this foundation is my attempt to  "handle it".  He is with me every day and I let him guide the growth and development of his memorial foundation and so far, he has never taken me down a dead-end street. So, this is me letting you know, The Foundation can help you handle it, whatever crisis you are facing if help is not available to you, we are your last resort. Like Jimmy use to say "For Emergency Use Only" 
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  • Currently Serving Franklin County and Conway County in Arkansas
  • you can mail your request to P.O. Box 713, Ozark, AR 72949 Or send us an email request for help